A picture on social media that my friend shared was a man who had lots of wild birds (probably most were maya) on his shoulders and all around him. And this was not an ordinary province post. In fact, this was in Makati CBD.
I was envious to the point that I wondered could I ever be that friendly to birds? I’ve never have any birds. But, to win their trust… This was a long time ago, pre-pandemic actually.
Come pandemic time sometime in July of 2020, I transferred to our provincial home. There wasn’t that many birds (probably because we were living near the town plaza) but there were a few.
In fact, when I changed rooms with my brother in 2021, I noticed that there were a lot of bird poop near his window. So, I’ve done what no one in the house thought I would do and I gave them biscuits, near their poop. Smashed up pieces of biscuits. Which, I have to say they seemed to like. 💗
There was also a time when my parents left for Manila, so we needed to divide the house chores in the province some more. I did what my dad usually did and watered plants, and wouldn’t you know it, there were some bird nests in a couple of them.
I was taken by surprise when I was checking on one of these nests when a bird suddenly flew out of the potted plant. That was when I decided to join a bird watching group in Facebook. And, most importantly, learned that birds should never be touched, they are there for our admiration.
As I transitioned to city life once more, I couldn’t help but admire the tree on our neighbor’s yard. It is where I saw most of the birds. I wanted to share some of my biscuits. But, I backed down as on the roof just below my window was where the cats often use as an easement.
Still, even with the cats, there were still a lot of birds on my window. There was one who was dancing or prancing gracefully through the wire that established our human boundaries. (That’s my favorite, it’s not a maya though don’t know what it is). There were a couple that would wait out in another’s neighbor roof as it rained. And then, there also some who served as an alarm clock (I think it’s seasonal).
One time, I asked one of my friends what would happen if I didn’t have anything. She said, a Bible verse. Matthew 6:25-27: “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life.”
And I thank the Lord our God for creating and taking care of these beautiful creatures that remind me that not only is He with me but also, to take joy in the smallest things in life.