Friday, August 01, 2014

A Wholehearted Journey Begins #Leap61

I confess the reason why I joined the Advanced Leadership Course (ALC) was so that I can get in to LEAP.

Why not?

It was a life coaching and goal setting program. Some had money goals, some had dating goals, And me? Greed got the better of me. The program ended with a hundred percent ---.  That was why I was thinking if I joined this, I can have my car, a condo, or even both.

I was not however fixed on the idea that I would take LEAP right after ALC. I needed some funds, my savings has been wiped out.

But after the ALC experience (which you have to experience for yourself, mind you), I was dead-set on joining LEAP that I enrolled after a week or two's time after ALC.

What is so special with ALC? with LEAP?

Think about it: your greatest, grandest version of yourself, how you can imagine yourself will be known to the world after taking this course.

I know I haven't yet answered the question, however that is the exact reason I am writing this post.

Join me as I begin my Wholehearted, LEAP 61 journey and you find out why this program is so special. Join me as I Make Great Things Happen.

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